Tag Archives: Obama


Allow me to get political here for one second before I move to more important things like mixing cocktails.

I’m thrilled, amazed, and definitely relieved over last nights election results. Of course, Obama’s win is huge and I’m incredibly grateful that he won. But it’s the slightly smaller results that have me extra jazzed on this Wednesday afternoon. Marriage equality in Maine and Maryland! More women in the House than ever before! The first openly gay senator!! And, holy crap, outright marijuana legalization in not one, but TWO states?! Seriously. This is what progress looks like. I don’t get patriotic that often, but damn, if that doesn’t make me love America and think that we just might not be done yet with being the greatest country in the world. All of it is astonishing and gets me a little choked up thinking about it.

Okay! I’m done now. Moving onto delicious cocktails now, I promise.

This delicious election-themed cocktail is guaranteed to either drown your election day sorrows over Mitt Romney’s loss or lift your spirits in the wake of Mr. President’s triumph. It really reaches across the aisle. I call it Red State Blues (slightly ironic, I know, considering I live in a red state these days). Anyway, here it is!

Red State Blues

*2 parts bourbon
*1/2 part Campari
*1/2 part Esprit de June
*2 parts cranberry juice
*1 part cream soda (Jones Soda is awesome and you should all try it)
*1 part seltzer
*Splash of lemon juice
*Dash of aromatic bitters

Shake all of it except the fizzy stuff together, pour it into a glass and top it off with the cream soda and seltzer. It might not be the official White House beer, but I think Obama would enjoy it nonetheless. 4 more years!!

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